08:30 - Coffee and Registration
09:00 - Welcome - Digby Warner, UCT
09:05 - Introduction & IDM overview – Valerie Mizrahi, UCT
09:10 - African BioImaging Consortium: a network for Africa – Caron Jacobs, UCT
09:20 - Keynote: The Africa Microscopy Initiative – Teng-Leong Chew, HHMI Janelia
10:00 - Jan Ellenberg, European Molecular Biology Laboratory
10:35 - Coffee break
10:55 - Michelle Peckham, University of Leeds
11:30 - Atondaho Ramudzuli, UCT
11:45 - Janine Scholefield, Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
12:00 - Lunch
13:00 - Funder's session: Stephanie Otte, Chan Zuckerberg Initiative
Chris Karp, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
13:30 - Suliana Manley, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne​ (virtual)
14:05 - William Wasswa, Mbarara University
14:35 - Cosnet Lerato Rametse, UCT
14:50 - Coffee break
15:10 - Jurgen Kriel, Stellenbosch University
15:25 - Izzy Jayasinghe, University of Sheffield (virtual)
16:00 - Integrating Imaging Infrastructure: What’s in an Image? – Spencer Shorte, Institute Pasteur, Paris
16:35 - Closing and Thanks – Michael Reiche, UCT
This event will be live streamed! Use Zoom to join virtually.
Address: Wolfson Pavilion Lecture Theatre, IDM, UCT Faculty of Health Science, Anzio Rd, Observatory, Cape Town, 7925
Please check back soon for updates and finalised program