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Call for Applications to the
AMI Imaging Centre

OPEN CALL - Visiting Researcher Program


The 1st call for applications to the AMI Visiting Researcher Program is now open. Life science researchers in Africa who would like to carry out microscopy experiments at the AMI Imaging Centre (AMI-IC) are eligible to apply.


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The deadline to submit a Project Proposal is 29 May 2023 at 23:59 (UTC+2 | Central African Time | GMT+2).


Completely FREE and inclusive of travel awards

The Visiting Researcher Program makes microscopes and microscopy expertise freely available to the African research community in an effort to increase accessibility to research tools and to promote African life science research. Scientists performing not-for-profit research from any African organisation are eligible to apply to the program. While conducting experiments at the AMI-IC, successful applicants will receive sponsored accommodation for up to four weeks as well as sponsored air travel to Cape Town from anywhere on the continent.


AMI will support successful applicants by covering the cost of the following for the duration of all research visits:

  • up to four weeks of accommodation for up to two visiting researchers per project

  • return trip air travel for up to two visiting researchers per project

  • basic experimental sample and microscopy reagents

  • one-on-one technical support by AMI staff

  • exclusive and dedicated access to one of five AMI microscopes

  • post-visitation support of image analysis and manuscript preparation


Open access to life scientists from Africa

The AMI-IC can accommodate a wide variety of research. We encourage proposals from researchers who require advanced microscopy techniques to further their research in microbiology, cell biology, histology, cancer biology, neuroscience, plant biology, soil science, immunology, infectious disease research, and other fields of life science. Equally important, we also encourage applications from biomedical researchers that do not have suitable access to light microscope equipment.


Full support in carrying out light microscopy experiments

The AMI-IC has fully equipped lab space to accommodate the handling and growth of a variety of organisms classified as Bio-Safety Level 2 and below. This includes human cells, mammalian cells, protozoa, plants, bacteria, fungi, yeast, and small organisms such as drosophila embryos. Projects involving small animal models may be accommodated with collaborative assistance. The lab includes cell culture facilities, as well as sample preparation space for the processing and labelling of both live and fixed samples.


During a visitation, AMI staff will assist with ensuring the success of the visitor’s experiment. While working alongside each visitor, AMI staff will also teach and train visitors on how to use the microscope to perform their experiment.


You can also work together with AMI staff prior to applying to develop a suitable experiment. AMI staff are available for advice and consultation, and will provide assistance with experimental conceptualisation and project design. Please be sure to schedule a consultation in advance of the application deadline—availability will be limited.


A wide range of advanced microscope technologies

The AMI-IC can support a variety of experimental goals, such as 3-D imaging, high throughput screening, spectral imaging, live-cell experiments, super-resolution, and large field-of-view stitching. The following microscopes are available for use in experiments:


Apply to gain access to the AMI-IC

To apply for the program, please visit the application page by clicking the button below:

Peer-reviewed proposal selection process

The application review process will include a two-tier review by AMI staff and by a review panel of researchers from around the world. Project Applications will be assessed on i) scientific merit, ii) experimental feasibility, as well as iii) motivated need for accessible microscope technologies.


Assistance with writing Project Proposals

In partnership with the African BioImaging Consortium (ABIC) and the Advanced Imaging Center at HHMI Janelia, two Proposal Writing Workshops will be hosted to help guide prospective visitors in writing strong applications. Provisional dates of these workshops are 13 and 25 April 2023. Small-group writing clinics will also be available at a later date. For more information and to sign-up, please click the button below: 

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